Illinois has among the strongest gun safety laws in the country and low levels of gun ownership. Following the horrific mass shooting in Highland Park on July 4, 2022, lawmakers took action to address gun violence and enacted critical gun safety laws, including a prohibition on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
Despite being a national leader in enacting gun violence prevention laws, Illinois continues to experience an unacceptable rate of gun violence. Illinois is surrounded by states with much weaker laws, and an outsized share of likely trafficked guns recovered in Illinois are originally purchased out-of-state—especially in Indiana, just across the border from Chicago. In recent years, Illinois has enacted gun dealer licensing, an improved illegal gun removal program, and an Extreme Risk law.
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Everytown, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action Applaud Illinois Governor Pritzker for Signing into Law Legislation to Protect Domestic Violence Survivors from Gun Violence
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Report Card
Gun Law Report Card
#3 in the country for gun law strength
Down from #2 last year