Gun Dealer Reform
What does it solve?
Laws on how gun stores conduct their business have not been strengthened since the 1960s. Congress should pass comprehensive gun dealer reform.
Gun dealer reform should include requiring updated best practices for store security, record keeping, training, and ensuring that gun dealers who violate the law and endanger public safety can be swiftly held accountable. In addition, the federal agency that regulates gun dealers, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), needs the resources and authority to protect the public.
Dealer License Required
Which states require all gun dealers to get a state-issued license?
Dealer License Required
Alabama has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- No
Dealer License Required
Alaska has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Arizona has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Arkansas has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
California has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
Colorado has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
Connecticut has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
Delaware has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- No
Dealer License Required
Florida has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Georgia has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Hawaii has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- No
Dealer License Required
Idaho has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Illinois has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
Indiana has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- No
Dealer License Required
Iowa has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Kansas has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Kentucky has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Louisiana has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Maine has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Maryland has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
Massachusetts has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
Michigan has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Minnesota has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Mississippi has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Missouri has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Montana has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Nebraska has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Nevada has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
New Hampshire has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- No
Dealer License Required
New Jersey has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
New Mexico has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
New York has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
North Carolina has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
North Dakota has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Ohio has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Oklahoma has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Oregon has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Pennsylvania has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- No
Dealer License Required
Rhode Island has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- No
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
South Carolina has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
South Dakota has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Tennessee has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Texas has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Utah has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Vermont has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Virginia has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Washington has adopted this policy
- Does the state law require employees to pass a background check?
- Yes
- Does the state law require the dealer to have physical security?
- Yes
Dealer License Required
West Virginia has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Wisconsin has not adopted this policy
Dealer License Required
Wyoming has not adopted this policy
Myth & Fact
There is nothing a gun dealer can do to stop a criminal from getting a gun.
Laws requiring record keeping, videotaping and store security, and regular inspection can help make sure gun dealers are not susceptible to straw purchasers or gun traffickers. Intrastate gun trafficking was 64% lower in places with strong gun dealer regulations and oversight.
How it works
Comprehensive gun dealer reform would help stop guns from getting into the wrong hands.
Gun dealers can stop firearms from getting into the wrong hands. They can do this with best practices in selling firearms and securing stores. Common-sense laws can ensure that all gun dealers are protecting the public and that gun dealers that ignore the law can be held accountable.
There are nearly 78,000 gun dealers in the United States, more than the number of McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, and Wendy’s locations in the country combined. The laws regulating these sellers are outdated. The ATF—the federal agency responsible for regulating gun dealers—is under-resourced and hampered by restrictions written by the gun lobby.
As a result of these restrictions and shortage of resources, only a small number of gun sellers are inspected each year. In fiscal year 2020, ATF inspectors found violations in just under half of inspections.1ATF, “Firearms Compliance Inspection Results FY 2020,” last reviewed May 9, 2023, These violations range from the failure to keep full and accurate inventory and failing to complete the required forms necessary for crime gun tracing, to a failure to conduct background checks. Additionally, gun dealers must be required to use security practices that will ensure they are not susceptible to theft.
By the numbers
The nearly 78,000 gun dealers in the US in 2022 were regulated by laws written in the 1960s.
In 2023, the ATF only inspected about 9,050 gun dealers, or 11 percent of FFLs, leaving the agency well short of its stated goal of inspecting each licensed dealer every three years.
States with the highest number of gun dealers per capita have 10 times higher rates of guns trafficked to another state and subsequently used in a crime.