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Secretary of State Jena Griswold, Everytown-Supported Gun Sense Candidate, Wins Re-election in Colorado


Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund Spent $1 Million to Support Secretary of State Candidates Including Jena Griswold, Successfully Defeating Gun Lobby-Backed Pam Anderson

Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action Volunteers Made Over Six Million Voter Contacts to Support Gun Sense Candidates Across the Country

DENVER — Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and its grassroots networks, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, declared a major victory today as voters rejected gun lobby-backed Pam Anderson and re-elected Jena Griswold as Colorado Secretary of State. 

“As Secretary of State, Jena Griswold has done everything in her power to safeguard democracy, which is essential to our work to put gun sense champions in positions of power,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “Secretary of State Griswold can count on our continued support as she works to protect free and fair elections in Colorado.”

“Secretary of State Griswold is on the frontline of safeguarding our democracy and putting public safety ahead of gun lobby greed, and we’re proud to help re-elect her,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action. “We support Secretary of State Griswold’s efforts to make Colorado safer for every family, and to ensure that every Coloradan’s voice is heard in our elections.” 

“Jena Griswold stood with advocates and survivors and took a stand against armed extremists threatening our democracy, and we know that strong work will continue,” said Coni Sanders, a volunteer with the Colorado chapter of Moms Demand Action whose father, Dave Sanders, was the teacher and girls’ basketball coach killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. “Free and fair elections are essential to electing gun sense champions who will fight for gun safety, and we’re excited to see Secretary Griswold’s strong work continue in her second term as Secretary of State.” 

Everytown spent $1 million to support Secretary of State candidates across the country this election cycle. Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers made over six million voter contacts through phone calls, text messages, door knocks, and more across the country this election cycle to support gun sense candidates up and down the ballot.

As part of its efforts this election cycle, Everytown also released polling this fall showing that the vast majority of voters in Colorado support common-sense gun safety laws, including 92% support for background checks on all gun sales. More information is available here.

Read more about Everytown’s electoral engagement in Colorado this cycle here and Everytown’s engagement in Secretary of State elections here