Everytown Unveils Report on “NRA in Crisis,” Launches More Than $100,000 in Ads Surrounding NRA Annual Convention in Indianapolis
New “NRA in Crisis” Report Details Scandals and Investigations Ensnaring NRA, Including New Revelations About Questionable Financial Transactions Involving NRA Insiders and Longtime NRA Media Partner and Contractor Ackerman McQueen
Campaign Includes Digital Ads, Mobile Truck Billboards, Freestanding Billboards and Full Page IndyStar Ad
INDIANAPOLIS – Today, Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund unveiled a new report on the “NRA in Crisis,” and $100,000 in ads, which will be seen in Indianapolis during this week’s annual NRA convention. They follow a recent New Yorker/The Trace investigation, which uncovered questionable financial transactions involving NRA insiders and the NRA’s longtime media contractor, Ackerman McQueen.
“In public, NRA executives push members to support an extreme ‘guns everywhere’ agenda — but in private, their top priority seems to be lining their own pockets,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “The NRA isn’t really a gun rights group anymore – it’s a troubled business committed to enriching its executives and gun manufacturers.”
“Don’t fall for the NRA’s song and dance in Indianapolis — the organization’s power and influence is waning,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. “Not only is it riddled with scandal, but it’s also losing members, money and credibility in Congress and statehouses across America. Gun owners know that the NRA no longer represents them, so they’re joining our ranks to fight for a future with responsible gun ownership and good gun laws.”
The report and ads highlight the myriad scandals and investigations rocking the NRA, including:
- Payments and other financial arrangements with executives and insiders at the NRA that resulted in millions of dollars going to these executives and insiders;
- The apparent collapse of the NRA’s relationship with its most significant business partner, PR firm Ackerman McQueen, including a recently filed NRA lawsuit that seeks information about potentially improper billing practices by Ackerman, and Ackerman’s response that the NRA was acting with “malicious intent”;
- The NRA’s murky business and election campaign practices;
- The NRA’s ties to Russia and admitted Kremlin agent Maria Butina;
- Defections from the business community because of the growing realization that the NRA is an extremist organization;
- Filings reporting weak financials and deficits in the last two reporting years, including the startling admission that regulatory oversight in New York State “threatens the financial growth and overall trajectory of the organization;” and
- Evidence it was outspent by gun safety groups in the 2018 midterm elections.
The ads include:
- A homepage takeover of the IndyStar on Thursday and Friday, with a click-through that goes to NRACrisis.org, which features the “NRA in Crisis” report. Ads will coincide with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence’s appearances at the convention, and continue through the weekend.
- Facebook ads, which will run through the convention.
- A mobile truck billboard, which will circle around the Indiana Convention Center.
- Digital billboards, viewable from I-70 driving into Indianapolis from the Indianapolis International Airport.
- A full page ad in the IndyStar that will run in the print edition on Thursday through Saturday (below).
Newspaper Ad: