BIG WEEK FOR GUN SAFETY IN OLYMPIA: Following Testimony from Washington Moms Demand Action Volunteers, Committees Advance Life-Saving Measures
OLYMPIA, WA. — The Washington chapter of Moms Demand Action, part of Everytown for Gun Safety’s grassroots network, issued the following statement after committees in both chambers advanced life-saving gun safety measures. Throughout this week, lawmakers have held hearings on gun safety legislation in the State House and Senate with Moms Demand Action volunteers delivering testimony in support of the measures.
“We’re one step closer to sending these bills to Governor Inslee’s desk,” said Ju Namkung, a volunteer with the Washington chapter of Moms Demand Action. “From ensuring gun dealers follow responsible practices to requiring the reporting of lost and stolen guns, these bills are essential to protecting the well-being of Washington families. As gun violence continues to tear communities apart across our country, we cannot afford to let our guard down in Washington. Now, more than ever, we must continue leading the fight against gun violence.”
Two life-saving gun safety bills were heard this week and voted out of the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee today:
- HB 1903: Legislation to require the reporting of lost and stolen firearms, which are often diverted to people prohibited from having guns and end up being used in violent crimes.
- HB 2118: Legislation creating a robust code of conduct for licensed gun dealers in Washington State, to ensure they take steps to keep guns off the illegal market and out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. The bill requires gun dealers to secure their inventory against theft, have general liability insurance, and maintain sales records to aid investigations of gun crimes.
Yesterday, the Senate’s Law and Justice Committee advanced SB 5444, which seeks to expand Washington’s sensitive locations. This bill adds libraries, public parks, zoos, aquariums, public transit facilities and other public buildings to the list of locations where the open carry of firearms is not allowed. The measure is sponsored by gun-sense champion Senator Valdez.
In an average year, 853 people die by guns in Washington. With a rate of 10.8 deaths per 100,000 people, Washington has the 40th-highest rate of gun deaths in the US. More information about gun violence in Washington is available here.