As the 2022 Legislative Session Begins, Nebraska Lawmakers Should Reject Dangerous Permitless Carry Legislation
States That Have Repealed Permitting Systems Have Experienced Increases in Gun Violence
As the Nebraska legislature returns to Omaha for the start of the 2022 legislative session, lawmakers will again have the opportunity to protect communities by rejecting dangerous legislation that strips away gun safety measures, including legislation to dismantle Nebraska’s permitting system, which will further tie the hands of local authorities. Today, lawmakers introduced LB 773, a bill to allow individuals to carry hidden, loaded handguns in public without a permit or safety training – a policy shown to increase gun violence in other states and broadly opposed by law enforcement. To protect Nebraska communities, lawmakers should reject permitless carry and any legislation that threatens to strip away critical public safety protections.
Repealing permitting requirements has been proven to increase gun violence in other states that have tried similar policies. Research shows that states that have weakened their firearm permitting system have experienced an 11 percent increase in handgun homicide rates and a 13-15 percent increase in violent crime rates. Eliminating Nebraska’s concealed handgun license requirement would put Nebraskans at risk by allowing people with dangerous histories — who would not have passed a background check — and those without any firearm safety training to carry loaded handguns in public.
What to know about permitless carry:
- Permitless carry has been widely opposed by law enforcement across the country in states that have attempted to eliminate permitting requirements.
- Polling also shows that permitting systems like Nebraska’s current system are overwhelmingly popular. 88 percent of Americans think you should get a permit before carrying a concealed gun in public.
- Permitless carry laws strip away a critical tool that law enforcement uses to differentiate between responsible gun owners and those who are prohibited from carrying a loaded weapon in public.
What to know about gun violence in Nebraska:
- 69 percent of all homicides in Nebraska involve a gun.
- Black people in Nebraska are 15 times more likely than white people to die by gun homicide.
- Firearms are the 2nd leading cause of death among children and teens in Nebraska.
- Gun violence costs Nebraska $1.2 billion each year, of which $33.9 million is paid by taxpayers.
More information about permitless carry is available here. Additional information about gun violence in Nebraska is available here.