Latinx Stories

This Day of the Dead, We Remember Those Taken by Gun Violence
Latinx Stories

Imaginando una comunidad más segura durante el mes de la herencia latine
Latinx Stories

Envisioning a Safer Community During Latinx Heritage Month
Latinx Stories

De qué modo dos participantes latines de Demand a Seat dejaron de ser espectadores y lograron un cambio tangible
Demand a Seat

La pérdida que sentimos es inconmensurable, pero abogo por el cambio para honrar a mi comunidad.
Latinx Stories

The Loss We Feel Is Immeasurable—but I’m Honoring My Community by Advocating for Change
Latinx Stories

Convening Leaders to Address Gun Violence in Latinx Communities
Latinx Stories
Unpacking the Generational Trauma in Latinx Communities
Living in LA and becoming curious about the connection between Latinx communities and trauma, Edna Chavez decided to get involved in gun violence prevention work.
Latinx Stories

Latinx Heritage Month is a time to empower young voices
Latinx Stories

Empoderar las voces latinas ayudará al movimiento de prevención de la violencia con armas de fuego
Latinx Stories

Empowering Latinx voices will help the gun violence prevention movement
Latinx Stories

I have never been a victim of domestic violence, but I am a survivor of it.
Latinx Stories

Empowering Latina domestic violence survivors to become leaders in our community
Latinx Stories

Creating greater and better Latinx engagement can expand the gun violence prevention movement
Latinx Stories

Channeling Anger into the Fight for Justice
Latinx Stories

Cómo canalizo la ira en la lucha por la justicia
Latinx Stories

Inspiring Students to Support Their Communities
Latinx Stories

Inspirando a los estudiantes a apoyar a sus comunidades
Latinx Stories

Dar la cara por los sobrevivientes
Latinx Stories

Showing up for Survivors
Latinx Stories