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Oklahoma Legislature Defends Public Safety, Defeats Three Dangerous Gun Bills


Gun sense is taking root in Oklahoma. This legislative session saw the defeat of three dangerous gun bills that jeopardized the state’s common-sense public safety laws:

  • HB 3098 sought to eliminate the requirement for Oklahoma residents to obtain a permit and undergo firearms training and a criminal history check before openly carrying a loaded handgun in public.
  • HJR 1009 would have jeopardized nearly every gun law on the books in Oklahoma and forced taxpayers to foot the bill for lawsuits challenging some of the state’s most basic, common-sense public safety measures.
  • SB 1185 would have allowed people from states that do not require any permit to carry a concealed handgun to openly carry a firearm in public in Oklahoma. Current Oklahoma law requires residents to have a permit and undergo basic firearm safety training in order to openly carry a handgun in the state.

In response to the defeat of these dangerous bills, Sabine Brown, volunteer leader of the Oklahoma chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America said, “In 2016, Oklahoma lawmakers met with constituents and proved responsive to the concerns they raised on matters of public safety. Just as we would not allow a new driver to take to the road without driving lessons, we cannot allow new gun owners to forego necessary training requirements. We are thankful that our representatives made the safety of all Oklahomans a priority, and we look forward to working with them again next session to keep Oklahomans safe from gun violence. Oklahoma has a rich history of responsible gun ownership, and the defeat of these two bills is a testament to the fact that we can respect the Second Amendment while still protecting public safety.”

During the 2016 session, the Oklahoma chapter of Moms Demand Action led a campaign to defeat these bills including:

  • Driving more than 1,400 emails and hundreds of calls to legislators to voice their support for gun safety
  • Held two lobby days at the State Capitol to discuss the dangers posed by HB 3098 and HJR 1009 with legislators. Everyday Oklahomans stood up and legislators listened – both HJR 1009 and HB 3098 failed to make it out of their respective conference committees with the help of legislators who put public safety ahead of politics.
  • But Oklahoma volunteers with Moms Demand Action were not alone in their opposition to HB 3098 and HJR 1009. Earlier this year, a coalition of Oklahoma groups, including the Oklahoma City Thunder, signed a letter denouncing the two bills.

The third dangerous bill, Senate Bill 1185, would have been a dangerous alteration, allowing individuals from out of state to openly carry handguns in Oklahoma without a permit– and legislators shut that idea down too.

Numerous other dangerous bills failed to make it through the legislature including bills that would have dismantled Oklahoma’s concealed carry permitting system, and forced guns onto the state’s college campuses and K-12 schools.

The Oklahoma chapter of Moms Demand Action will continue to talk to voters about gun safety and be back in the State House next session fighting to keep public safety and common-sense gun sense measures top of mind for Oklahoma legislators. The future of Oklahoma’s communities and families depend on it.